Class of 2019/20 – It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See you Later!


We can’t believe your NWSE program is coming to a close soon! Hopefully, you are already thinking about getting ready for your return home. 带着所有的期待, 悲伤, 兴奋之情越积越多, 事情可能会变得有点紧张. 别担心! 这是完全正常的! These feelings should tell you how close you have become … 阅读更多 »



亲爱的NWSE社区, We are so proud of all of you for working together and making these challenging times a positive experience! You have created close bonds and friendships that will last a lifetime. This week’s newsletter updates you about the NWSE 筹款 campaign, 建议更多有趣的活动, 你一直在等的是宣布… 阅读更多 »



亲爱的NWSE社区, 正如所承诺的, NWSE is back and here to support you with more suggestions for fun activities. We also want to thank everyone who participated in our video and TikTok contest – we are reviewing all your great videos and will announce the winners shortly! NWSE Tip: Students and host families can enjoy most of the activities we … 阅读更多 »

Join the NWSE GoFundMe Campaign to support 学生交流


Support the NWSE GoFundMe Campaign 亲爱的NWSE社区,  The 西北学生交换 programs have been hit very hard by the coronavirus situation. We seek your support to help NWSE avert the full impact it will have on our programs. Already this year way too many of our students were forced to separate from their host families and schools, 看到他们的…… 阅读更多 »



欢迎收看第三周的NWSE活动快讯! 在本周的版本中, 你可以在网上找到更多酷炫的演唱会小贴士, 有趣的虚拟实地考察, 引导你创造力的想法, 还有更多! …. School Closure Video Contest Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! 制作视频或抖音并赢得奖品! 只要按照我们比赛的说明去做…… 阅读更多 »



Press coverage of NWSE taken from an article by Dana Greyson, 刊登在3月31日的《澳门足球开户》上, 2020   EXCHANGE RATE: UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCES WITH INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS About six years ago, Vancouver mother Sara Hardy learned of a short-term student exchange opportunity through her twins’ school. Her family agreed to host two Taiwanese boys for just 48 hours. … 阅读更多 »



We hope you are enjoying the suggested activities during this period of school closures! 正如承诺的那样,我们回来了! NWSE will continue to suggest cool activities during this temporary coronavirus situation, to help you remain positive and engaged with each other, 你们自己和你们的项目.   …. School Closure Video Contest Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! 只要遵循… 阅读更多 »

NWSE三月通讯-每个人的活动! -第1部分


亲爱的NWSE社区, We want to extend our deep appreciation and gratitude to you as all of us join together to navigate the current COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation. First and foremost, we need to remember that this is a temporary situation. 从这个意义上说, let’s remain forward-thinking and positive while doing what we can to meet the challenges at hand in … 阅读更多 »



“My exchange year has definitely helped me grow as a global person and at the same time made me appreciate my home country. A highlight of my exchange year was the time I spent with my host family. 虽然我和我的寄宿家庭没有血缘关系, I consider them my family and we are still frequently in touch even … 阅读更多 »

德国Max, 2012-13


“一开始,离开家搬到美国.S. 一年似乎是一次伟大的冒险. 然而,它远不止于此. 现在我能和不同的人打交道了, 以不同的方式处理挑战, 甚至对自己的看法也不同了. 我和许多令人兴奋的人成为了朋友. Furthermore, I participated in competitions, projects, and trips that cannot … 阅读更多 »

来自德国的Eric, 2010-11


成长的过程中, I was exposed at an early age to American music through my father and was therefore always interested in the culture behind the music. In the summer of 2010, a friend of mine had applied for an exchange to the U.S. with NWSE, and I realized the second I heard about it that I would love to experience … 阅读更多 »

“I think the greatest reward I got from my exchange was not only the better English skills but also every experience and lesson I had learned. 它改变了我,而且……


“It is amazing how fast the students adapt to your home life and become just like your own son or daughter. They have personalities that bring a lot of different…


“My NWSE Exchange has been perfect – the best decision I ever made.”


“This completes my third year hosting as a double placement, and I would not even consider a placement through any other agency. 我们三个人相处得很愉快……
